By Linden Wade

These samplers were created by UK jingle collector Linden Wade.

The Forgotten Sampler

Linden says: "It seems I have made quite a habit of this. Here's another sampler that I made towards the back end of 2021, which I had totally forgotten about -- hence the name, The Forgotten Sampler. A real mixture of all-PAMS goodness, which starts with a selection of very early jingles. It also features some of PAMS most popular jingles, some flops, more unusual bits, an array of fun vibrations and a little up-beat Britain!"

Track 01 Early Daze
Track 02 Most Popular
Track 03 The Flops & Unusual
Track 04 Fun Vibrations

Track 05 Upbeat Britain

Zip file of The Forgotten Sampler tracks

The Best Goes On PAMS Sampler

Linden says: "I've been sitting on this one for a little while. I finished it back in January 2021 and then completely forgot about it, until now! 'The Beat Goes On' is another all-PAMS sampler which stops off in the 1970s before we take a short trip out to the country. It also features some great PAMS commercials before taking a journey back to the 1960s."

Track 01 Back To The 70s
Track 02 A Short Drive Out To The Country
Track 03 Let's Take A Commercial Break
Track 04 Trip To The 60s

Track 05 That's The End

Zip file of The Beat Goes On tracks

Do You Remember? PAMS Sampler

Linden says: "Not an awful lot to say about this one really, just something to surpass my boredom during lockdown. 'Do You Remember?' is another all-PAMS sampler which features some of the more sought after PAMS packages from over the years, a little stereo love, and a sprinkling of outtakes. Beware, some outtakes are not for the faint hearted! We finish with a selection of different Contempo cuts from Series 18."

Track 01 The More Sought After
Track 02 A Little Stereo Love
Track 03 Born In The USA, Not For The USA
Track 04 Outtakes Become Something, Eventually

Track 05 Contempo - Finito!

Zip file of Do You Remember tracks

Weird And Wonderful PAMS Sampler

Linden says: "I have been desperately seeking activities to keep me out of trouble during the COVID-19 lockdown and after (somewhat) organizing my collection, I decided to create a new jingle sampler. I present Weird and Wonderful, the title which accurately reflects my perception of 2020 so far. It's an all-PAMS sampler which features a selection of jingles that I find somewhat 'interesting', or that I really like; from the ever-popular Series 18 to Stereo Island. I've even thrown in some Hot Vibes! (Just one example of the cuts that I find 'interesting' in this montage.) If you are not really a PAMS fan, then move on. This one is not for you! Bonus: See if you can spot the non-PAMS Sonovox; it shouldn't be too difficult."

Track 01 Starting With Sonovox!
Track 02 It's The Slightly Obscure...
Track 03 Of Course, The Ones We Know
Track 04 Let's Take A Trip...Down Stereo Avenue

Track 05 More PAMS, But Not 'The' PAMS

Zip file of The Weird And Wonderful tracks

The Voice Of Radio 1 Sampler

Linden says: "BBC Radio 1, established on September 30th 1967 after passing the Marine Offences Act through UK Parliament. It was considered to be the legal alternative to the pirate ships out at sea. This sampler is a look back at the jingles produced for Britain’s Favourite Radio 1, between 1967 and 1987."

Track 01 Oh Hello... It's The Start of Radio 1
Track 02 Excuse Me, Make Room for JAM
Track 03 The Happy Sound of Radio 1
Track 04 Fuuuun at 1!

Track 05 Stereoooo
Track 06 Music Now
Track 07 The Best Sound in Britain
Track 08 Britain's Favourite

Zip file of The Voice Of Radio 1 tracks

The Best Of Ken R Sampler

Linden says: "It’s a short selection of jingles (mostly PAMS) recorded by Ken R and the group; Doug, Amy, Lisa, D.J. and Ben. It’s just over 15 minutes long, and features some personal re-sings!"

Track 01
Track 02
Track 03
Track 04

Zip file of Best Of Ken R tracks

Those Oldies But Goodies Sampler

Linden says: "I'm delighted to announce the release of my very first jingle sampler featuring cuts from multiple companies: 'Those Oldies But Goodies.' The sampler features five tracks of jingles in easy listening segments and contains great classic jingles from PAMS, Pepper Tanner, Spot Productions, TM, Anita Kerr, Johnny Mann, Ken R Inc, CRC and Gwinsound. It takes you back into the depths of jingle history from the 1960s and 1970s whilst also featuring some 1990s vocals on these great music tracks. I'm pleased to showcase brilliant work from some of the greatest producers in the world."

Track 01
Track 02
Track 03
Track 04
Track 05

Zip file of All Oldies But Goodies tracks

For more information on PAMS jingles, go to the PAMS Website.
Contact the Curator
