Ken says:
"Most jingle fans are familiar with the numbered PAMS series
(1-49) and a few of the named packages such as Philadelphia
Story (1972) and Solid Rock (1971). But to get the entire
picture, one must also experience the many custom packages,
grids and even not-for-broadcast works that were created between
1960-1978. This sampler was designed to fill in some of the
missing spaces in the mosaic.
"Over the last ten years, we have lost many of the people who
toiled so hard to make these jingles sparkle back in the day.
During assembly of this sampler, death claimed one of the most
gifted, Chris Kershaw. He was 62, just about my age. Chris was
one of the first of a new generation of people coming up in the
late 60s and early 70s, and he was equally adept at arranging,
playing various instruments and singing. His work graced some of
the best PAMS and JAM packages of that era, and he also started
several companies of his own. If life is a mosaic, Chris was a
very colorful piece.
"By the way, I mentioned the grid packages that PAMS created.
These were custom packages that took advantage of multi-track
recording in a unique way. Between the years of approximately
1968 and 1970, a custom-designed 10-track recorder was employed
at PAMS so that a handful of instrumental tracks could be sung a
number of ways on various layers. With clever mixing and
editing, a station was able to get dozens of variations on a
theme. Many of these packages were written by Bob Piper and Marv
Shaw, two men who also are no longer with us. Engineer Bruce
Collier mixed many of these packages, getting a lot of sound out
of a limited number of tracks.
"This sampler features exclusively PAMS material, with a couple
of exceptions. One spoken line having to do with 'drums' came
from the JAM archive, and a few comedy bits came from a record
called "Chaos" by Arbogast and Ross (1959)."
PAMS Mosaic Track 01
The 60s: mostly a capellas with a few commercials
PAMS Mosaic Track 02
People count, the grids
PAMS Mosaic Track 03
Audio overlays, mostly from the 60s
PAMS Mosaic Track 04
Get outta here, kid; 60s stations and their cities
PAMS Mosaic Track 05
Sports, including the long series 32 march in stereo
PAMS Mosaic Track 06
WXYZ Good Life song featuring Trella Hart, 1967
PAMS Mosaic Track 07
Mother Goose Twist (60s)
PAMS Mosaic Track 08
PAMS Mosaic Track 09
"Ridiculous," 60s spots, ICEE featuring solos by Peyton Park and
Jodie Lyons
PAMS Mosaic Track 10
The seal, commercials, Baptist Sunday school, Nutrena (long
version) 1960s
PAMS Mosaic Track 11
Colorful pieces, fast brass, 70s IDs and commercials
PAMS Mosaic Track 12
Escape songs, arranged by Bob Piper and Arris Wheaton
PAMS Mosaic Track 13
Written by Bill Meeks (from the 70s and strange)
PAMS Mosaic Track 14
KLIF does its part 1974
PAMS Mosaic Track 15
PAMS Mosaic Track 16
PAMS style, 70s IDs
PAMS Mosaic Track 17
70s stereo IDs
PAMS Mosaic Track 18
70s stations and their cities
PAMS Mosaic Track 19
CHAOS and news
PAMS Mosaic Track 20
Christmas (60s and 70s)
PAMS Mosaic Track 21
Country (60s and 70s)
PAMS Mosaic Track 22
More music! (60s and 70s)
PAMS Mosaic Track 23
Zip File of All PAMS Mosaic
Full-Sized CD Cover Graphic
©2013 Ken Deutsch