Description: "Our last CD demo is a tribute to our singers
with pictures of them on the cover as they looked in 1999, and
as they looked as kids. Jingle demos included: Radiance, Hot
99.9, To the Point, Wish List, Continuous Favorites, On the
Horizon, Truly Kool, Big Shot, Fabulous Hit Machine, Lunatic
Fringe VI, Satellite Superdeal II, Urban Update, Internet Radio,
Communiqué, La Nueva (Hispanic) and Big Hairy Deal. This demo
represents the state of our art at the end of the 20th century."

Original Cover
These demos are
presented for historic purposes only. Ken R is no longer in the
jingle business.
Zip file of Today and Yesterday Jingles Tracks
Full-Sized CD Cover Graphic
©2013 Ken Deutsch