January 19, 2025: Added Ken Deutsch's Jingle Book article "Tommy Loy: The Man Behind The Sound" here

December 9, 2024: Stuck In The 60s REMASTERED is now available!

November 9, 2024: Variety-Pak Volume 5 has been released!

September 21, 2024: The Gwinsound Collection is available!

September 23, 2024: Added Ken Deutsch's article "Mixing Gwinsound Jingles" here

September 4, 2024: Get both Holiday-Pak Supplements for a special low price!

August 12, 2024: Dynamic Drake has been released!

July 19, 2024: Country-Pak is now available!

July 9, 2024: Added Norman Barrington's Trella Hart Tribute.

July 6, 2024: Added the Remembering Trella Hart page.

June 4, 2024: Spot-Pak Volume 3 is now available!

April 3, 2024: Variety-Pak Volume 4 is released.

March 3, 2024: Ken Deutsch's Wonderful Worm 7 is now available -- and it's free!

March 2, 2024: All Sonovox All The Time is released.

January 18, 2024: Added Norman Barrington's Have I Got News For You! Sampler.

January 1, 2024: Spot-Pak Volume 2 has been released.

November 23, 2023: Added Norman Barrington's WABC 50 Years In 50 Minutes Sampler.

November 1, 2023:  Variety-Pak Volume 3 is now available.

October 18, 2023: Holiday-Pak Supplement Volume 2 has just slid down the chimney.

October 1, 2023: Trak-Pak Volume 6 has been released.

September 17, 2023: Two PAMS jingle samplers by Ken Deutsch have been added: Flip-Outs! and Personal Cuts

August 1, 2023:  Variety-Pak Volume 2 is now available.

May 1, 2023: Pro-Pak 11,000 is released.

April 27, 2023: The new Don Blesse Samplers page is online here.

February 15, 2023: Variety-Pak Volume 1 is now available.

November 15, 2022: Want more seasonal cheer? Announcing the release of The Holiday-Pak Supplement with even more generic jingles, music beds, celebrity Christmas greetings, and other audio delights!

October 29, 2022: Our latest Pro-Pak collection, Pro-Pak 10,000 is available here.

October 15, 2022: Spot-Pak Volume 1, our inaugural compilation of over 500 classic commercials from the 60s and 70s, is now available here.

October 15, 2022: "The Forgotten Sampler" has been added to Linden Wade's PAMS Samplers page.

October 13, 2022: Music pioneer Anita Kerr passed away October 10. Ken Deutsch remembers Ms. Kerr on this page, where you can download many of the great radio jingles she sang on and produced.

September 5, 2022: Trak-Pak Volume 5 is released. Listen to the demo, learn more, and order on this page.

June 2, 2022: Jim Long, one of the co-founders of the legendary TM Productions, passed away on May 30, 2022. In remembrance, we've posted the "Long On Jingles" chapter from Ken Deutsch's "The Second Jingle Book" here.

June 1, 2022: MaxTrax Volume IV: The 80s is now available! Hear the demos, find out more, and get it from this page.

May 1, 2022: Trak-Pak Volume 4 is released. Listen to the demo, learn more, and order on this page.

April 1, 2022: Pro-Pak 9000 is now available! Check it out here.

March 1, 2022: MaxTrax Volume III is released. Hear demos, find out more and order here.

February 1, 2022: Trak-Pak Volume 3 is now available!

January 1, 2022: Pro-Pak 8000 is released.

December 15, 2021: Wonderful WORM 6 is now available!

November 14, 2021: Holiday-Pak has been released. Listen to the demo, find out what's in it, and buy here.

September 1, 2021: Trak-Pak Volume 2 is now available. Hear the demo, learn more and purchase here.

August 1, 2021: Pro-Pak 7000 has been released. Listen to the demos, find out more and order here.

June 8, 2021:  Added "The Beat Goes On," a new PAMS sampler to the Linden Wade Samplers page.

May 29, 2021:  MaxTrax Volume II has been released. Hear demos, find out more and order here.

May 6, 2021: "PAMS Around The World," Ken Deutsch's newest jingle sampler, can be enjoyed here.

May 1, 2021: Ken R's Book Bundle Bonanza has been released. Read sample chapters, view each book's table of contents, and get more information here.

March 31, 2021: Pro-Pak 6000 has been released. Hear demos, find out more and order here.

March 10, 2021: Ben Freedman's original JingleGuy website (originally created by Norman Barrington) has been resurrected in the interest of preserving jingle history.

February 28, 2021: Added the Trak-Pak Volume 1 page.

February 14, 2021: Added the Store page.

January 14, 2021: Added Jon Wolfert's Rewound Radio Michael Neff tribute to the Michael Neff Sampler page.

January 1, 2021: Added the Pro-Pak 5000 page.

January 1, 2021: We're sorry to hear about the passing of jingle aficionado and all-around nice guy, Michael "Super Splice" Neff. Ken Deutsch's Mike Neff memories have been added to the Michael Neff Sampler page.

December 26, 2020: Added two versions of the Dallas, Texas city song to the PAMS My Hometown page.

December 18, 2020: Added Quincy, Illinois to the PAMS My Hometown page.

November 15, 2020: Added The Pete Wilson JingleMix.

November 1, 2020: MaxTrax Volume I has been released.

September 1, 2020: Pro-Pak 4000 has been released.

August 29, 2020: Added the new Linden Wade "Do You Remember?" PAMS sampler here.

June 12, 2020: Added the new Linden Wade "Weird And Wonderful" PAMS sampler here.

June 1, 2020: Added the Century 21 Counterpoint demo here, plus the ATB Productions Concept III and Tapetrix Custom Voices, Hospital Songs & Sonotronics demos here.

May 1, 2020: Pro-Pak 3000 has been released.

April 5, 2020: Added the "Luv," "Trendsetter" and "Up & Easy" demos to the Pepper-Tanner page, plus the Chicago Radio Syndicate "Words & Music" demo to the Jingle Potpourri page. (Thanks to Tony Harding for his contributions!) We also added the PAMS "Duluth, My Hometown" jingle here.

December 14, 2019: Check out The Warm Sounds of Christmas, a 1976 album that featured timeless holiday classics sung by some of the most famous jingle voices in Dallas including Trella Hart, Dan Alexander, Brian Beck, Abby Holmes, Chris Kershaw, Jim Clancy and more.

December 1, 2019: Pro-Pak 2000 is released!

November 16, 2019: Three more PAMS "My Home Town" jingles have been added here.

September 1, 2019: The fifth installment of Ken Deutsch's Wonderful WORM saga has been released. This hilarious parody of small market, early 1960s Top 40 radio is his best yet! Find it here.

August 12, 2019: Added several more items to the TM Demos page. (Look for the gray backgrounds to see the new stuff.)

July 7, 2019: Added the Pro-Pak 1000 page.

April 28, 2019: Added two Radio London "My Hometown" songs here: the original by PAMS and the version by The Chantelles.

February 22, 2019: Added four more TM demos here: Classic Hits, Have You Heard The News, You Are The Words, and Your Custom Combination.

December 9, 2018: Added more William B. Tanner and Media General jingle demos here. Created a Jingle Potpourri page, which features a hodge-podge of items that don't fit anywhere else on the site. Added audio items to the Bill Meeks and Century 21 pages.

November 27, 2018: Added more audio files to the TM Demos page.

September 18, 2018: Added several more audio files to the TM Demos page, plus the OPUS '75 Pre-Records to the Century 21 page.

August 23, 2018: Added a new TM Demos page.

August 15, 2018: Added four more jingle entries to the Tom Parma page.

July 28, 2018: Added three more Tanner jingle demos here.

July 18, 2018: Added the PAMS "My Hometown" jingle for Farmington, New Mexico here.

July 12, 2018: Added over 100 downloadable demos from Pepper, Pepper-Tanner, William B. Tanner and Media General here.

June 17, 2018: Added The Gavin Report's History Of Radio Jingles.

May 22, 2018: Redid the Tom Parma Jingles page. Added the CRC Demos page and the Century 21 Demos page. New audio items have been added to the Pepper-Tanner Demos, My Hometown and Weird Jingles pages.

February 25, 2018: We added a Sonovox print feature here.

February 17, 2018: Added three more musical oddities to the Weird Jingles page. Also changed out the relatively few WMA files on the site with MP3s; replaced the Flash-based audio player with a more-compatible HTML5 one; and reorganized the Bonus Jingle Goodies section into Audio (Interviews, Jingles, WORM), Ink and Photos/Video sections.

Check out the fourth installment of Ken Deutsch's hilarious parodies of early 1960s small market radio, Wonderful WORM 4: "Where Were You In '62?"

January 17, 2018: Added three new audio gems to the Spot Productions page and two more Atwood-Richards demos to the Jingles From New York City page.

December 24, 2017: Added the Ron Harris Jingle Samplers page which includes his two Potpourri samplers.

December 19, 2017: Added Morgan Cunningham's Christmas 2017 sampler here; a Total Sound/Parma Productions page here; more Spot Productions jingles here; more Tanner jingles here; and a new PAMS "My Hometown" jingle here.

December 10, 2017: Added Norman Barrington's 50th Anniversary sampler here.

November 28, 2017: Added Linden Wade's "The Voice Of Radio 1" sampler here.

November 12, 2017: Added the Spot Productions Jingles page.

November 11, 2017: Added the Toby Arnold Jingles page, plus added "The Best of Ken R" jingle sampler to the Linden Wade Samplers page.

November 9, 2017: Added the Jingles From New York City page, which features some of the work from Big Apple-based jingle companies Atwood Richards and Mark Century. Also added two new entries each to the WABC Non-PAMS Jingles and Weird Jingles pages.

October 29, 2017: Added the WABC Non-PAMS Jingles and Chuck Blore Jingles pages.

October 6, 2017: Added the My Home Town page which contains several of the over 100 "My Home Town" city songs from PAMS Series 16.

September 17, 2017: Added The TM Song Tom Merriman 2008 Tribute Video page here.

August 27, 2017: Added Wonderful WORM 3: Johnny Lizard Rides Again! here.

August 13, 2017: Added Tracy Carman's Millennium One jingle sampler here.

August 6, 2017: Added jingles from Bermuda, Canada, Ecuador, Jamaica and The Philippines to the International Jingles page.

July 29, 2017: Added more jingles from Australia, Canada, Mexico and the UK to the International Jingles page.

July 21, 2017: In honor of his milestone anniversary on the earth, we're delighted to post Morgan Cunningham's excellent 21st Birthday Jingle Sampler.


July 9, 2017: Created the International Jingles page that features classic jingles from PAMS, TM and other companies sung for non-US stations.

July 1, 2017: Created The PAMS Secret Closet page for rare items from the iconic Dallas jingle producer. Added Batman-themed jingle demos from Spot Productions and MusiCreations to the Weird Jingles page.

May 14, 2017: Added four sets of NAB jingles/promos from 1968-1971 to the NAB/RAB Page.

May 13, 2017: Added a demo of the very first radio station jingles Pepper recorded, "Song of the Day". Get it on the Pepper-Tanner Demos page. 

May 5, 2017: Added the Bill Meeks "Boss of the Beach" demo to the Weird Jingles page.

April 29, 2017: Added a KRLA demo to the Weird Jingles page and the KNDE Custom demo to the Pepper-Tanner Demos page.

March 28, 2017: Added the Bill Meeks Demos page and the 1971 PAMS Christmas Party Tape.

March 27, 2017: Added the Pepper-Tanner Demos page.

December 25, 2016: Added Morgan Cunningham's Stellar Seventies Sampler.

December 18, 2016: Added several new jingle-oriented images to the Photos Page, and created a second Photos page.

November 26, 2016: Added Weird Jingles.

August 7, 2016: Still more jingle-related articles have been added: Jingles All The Way, Plan Your Sound Is The Key To Jingle Ordering, It's A Jingle Out There, Recording And Producing The Production Bank, The Inventor Of The Sonovox and The Ben Freedman Pulse Maker Interview.

July 24, 2016: We've replaced the Michael Neff Jingle Samplers with higher-quality versions.

July 19, 2016: A Production Music Album page has been added.

July 6, 2016: A page chronicling John Quincy's 2004 visit to TM Century has been added.

July 5, 2016: More jingle-rated articles have been added: The Bill Meeks Pulse Maker Interview, Jingle Pioneer Bill Meeks Dies, and Behind The Scenes In Jingleland. We also added more images to the Home and Photos pages.

April 3, 2016: Added Johnny Lizard's WORM Stories.

February 27, 2016: Added Ken's Much More Wonderful WORM and WABC From The Vault.

January 30, 2016: Added Ken Deutsch's "And Now Ladies and Gentlemen..." short story to the main page.

November 2, 2015: Created track listings for Ken R's Pro-Paks and Power-Pellas.

October 23, 2015: Added Ken R LLC's IDCD-2 Demo ("IDs You Can Afford").

June 1, 2015: Added Ken Deutsch's Unforgettable PAMS Sampler.

March 22, 2015: Added Ken Deutsch's Da Bomb PAMS Sampler.

August 10, 2014: Added Ken Deutsch's Apogee 70s PAMS Sampler.

July 26, 2014: Added Ken Deutsch's Great Singin' Great Swingin' 60s PAMS Sampler.

July 17, 2014: Added Ken Deutsch's Other Voices Non-PAMS Sampler and moved the "PAMS Mosaic" sampler to its own page.

March 16, 2014: Added the 1988 WLNG PAMS Assortment.

January 12, 2014: Added the "Oldies But Goodies" jingle sampler to the Linden Wade page.

December 24, 2013: Added Ken R's PAMS Bible.

October 15, 2013: Added the Ken R Christmas 1995 Sampler.

October 13, 2013: Added the Ken R Christmas 1992/1993 Sampler.

August 27, 2013: Added a new PAMS Series 27 sampler by Linden Wade.

August 26, 2013: Created and posted new demos for Pro-Pak 14 and Power-Pellas 6 and 7.

August 1, 2013: Added Anthony Cullen's JAM Sampler.

July 20, 2013: Added two new items from Ken Deutsch: Your Short Attention-Span Jingle Show Volume III and Your Short Attention-Span Jingle Show Volume IV

July 5, 2013: Added two new items from Ken Deutsch: Your Short Attention-Span Jingle Show Volume I and Your Short Attention-Span Jingle Show Volume II.

July 1, 2013: Added a brand new Ken Deutsch sampler: PAMS Mosaic. We also moved the "We Pause For Station Identification" sampler to its own page.

June 30, 2013: We moved the "Have You Heard" sampler to its own page.

June 24, 2013: Added still more new CD cover art (©2013 Ken Deutsch) to several pages, including the Pro-Pak Demos page.

June 15, 2013: Added even more new CD cover art (©2013 Ken Deutsch) to several more samplers. As always, better quality versions for printing jewel case inserts may be downloaded.

June 4, 2013: Added two samplers to the new Linden Wade PAMS Samplers page.

May 24, 2013 Update: Our thanks to Greg Clancy and the folks at TM Studios for our new acapella. Hear it on demand here: TM Studios Acapella

May 23, 2013 Update: Added more new CD cover art (©2013 Ken Deutsch) to a bunch more samplers. Printable hi-res versions for jewel cases are provided.

May 19, 2013 Update: Added new CD cover art (©2013 Ken Deutsch) to over a dozen samplers. Large versions suitable for printing are included. Also posted Ken R's 2010 PAMS Forever! sampler.

May 7, 2013 Update: Added Ben Freedman's "The World of Jingle University" here.

May 6, 2013 Update: Added the 1986 Jonathan Wolfert (of JAM) Interview here and the Ben Freedman WLVL Interview here.

April 14, 2013 Update: Added the Ken R Pro-Pak XIII demo here.

March 6, 2013 Update: Added the Ken R IDCD-2 demo CD ("IDs You Can Afford") here.

February 24, 2013 Update: Added these Ken R demo CD collections: Adult Contemporary Jingles, Country 2000, Demo Masters Volume I, Demo Masters Volume II, Demo Masters Volume III, Demo Masters Volume IV, Retail 2K, Today and Yesterday.

February 23, 2013 Update: Added a Ken R demo section on the home page and populated it with these Ken R demo CDs: IDCD-1, Oldies Power!, Pro-Pak and Power-Pellas.

January 1, 2013 Update: Added the "We Pause For Station Identification" sampler here, plus moved the PAMS Fan sampler to its own page here.

December 13, 2012 Update: Added a photo page here and a Ken R video page here.

October 24, 2012 Update: Added the Ken R LLC Montage 2000, the Dan Asvitt's Last Assortment Montage and the Ken R LLC Christmas Party 1994 (Edited) Montage.

October 7, 2012 Update: Added the "Have You Heard" sampler here.

May 13, 2012 Update: Added the "Back And Forth" sampler to the Michael Neff Samplers Page.

June 20, 2012 Update: Added the "Ken R 1998 Christmas Party" sampler here.

For more information on PAMS jingles, go to the PAMS Website.
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